Game Updates - Jan 2019

Posted: 01-02-2019

Over the last month we have been working hard on implementing some of the suggestions made by players. Today we are happy to announce these new features including:

'Deposit Funds' option

We have added a 'Deposit Funds' option to the wallet in order to make the game wallet simpler to use and easier to understand where to deposit funds.

'My Information' menu

In addition, We have added a new item to upper right hand corner of the main menu which allows players easy access to their profile, crew, giftcards, and more.

We also have updated the site so that if new players try to access game features, they are directed to join the game via a popup window which takes them directly to the 'Join Game' page

'Join Game' page

Many of our players have mentioned that the game needs to be easier to join and begin playing. We have added a page to our site which makes it easy to join the game and purchase game tokens in BTC.

'My Collection' page

One of the main complaints that people had about the site was that there was not a simple way to view their collection of cards and determine which cards they needed to obtain. We have updated the site with a 'My Collection' page which allows anyone (even non-players) to view their entire collection of cards across all of the supported game cards. The main collection page lists off all of the supported games as well as a count of how many cards the game has, how many of those cards the player owns, and includes a total owned percentage. To view more details you simply click on the project image or name.

On the game collection pages, you can see a list of all of the supported game cards. Owned cards show up normally, while unowned cards show up as translucent to make it easy to determine what cards you own at a glance.

We are working on some other exciting game updates for this month, so stay tuned.